Why You Should Pay Particular Attention to the Brake Discs on Your Trucking Fleet

A heavily laden truck can be difficult to manoeuvre, and as a fleet manager, you should expect a considerable amount of wear and tear if you push each vehicle to provide you with maximum productivity. In particular, you can expect to encounter a lot of damage to the brake discs, as drivers cope with poor road conditions, heavy traffic or hilly terrain. Why should you pay attention to these discs, and what can you do to mitigate any potential problems? [Read More]

Why You Need to Monitor Your 4-Wheel-Drive Transmission

If you follow trends in the automotive industry, you may have noticed that manufacturers are putting more focus on four-wheel-drive as opposed to two. They are eliminating some of their conventional saloon cars and bringing a number of new SUV's to the marketplace, to tempt the Australian consumer. You may be thinking about buying one of these vehicles for the first time but should know that they are somewhat more complex than your old car. [Read More]

3 Signs There's Something Wrong With Your Radiator Fans

You probably don't give much thought to your car's radiator, but it's one of the vehicle's most important parts. Working with the water pump and thermostat, it forms part of a heat exchange process to keep your car cool. If the radiator doesn't work, the high operating temperature of your engine will start to affect important components and dramatically lower the engine's life. With that in mind, you'll want to know when something is wrong so you can seek out professional help as soon as possible, and the fans are one potential cause of problems. [Read More]

Signs That it's Time to Replace Your Car Battery and Tips for Taking Care of it

There are many factors that affect the useful life of a car battery. It can be as long as six years or as short as two years depending on maintenance, weather conditions (temperature and humidity) and car usage, among other factors. A good car battery is one that is able to recharge and can hold charge without self-draining when not in use. This article highlights important signs of impending battery failure and a few maintenance tips that will extend your battery life as long as possible. [Read More]